Counselling for Different Behaviour’s of Individuals

As i have already Discussed in my previous post the Word Association Exercise which are used while doing counselling like:-FSW, MSM, MOBILE POPULATION, PRISONERS, IDUs. These are all behaviours of an individual so counselling strategies will be also different, So we will Discus this in this post. Counselling for Different Behaviour’s of Individuals   COUNSELLING OF FSW (Female Sex Workers) … Read more


 WORDS  WHICH ARE FREQUENTLY USED IN COUNSELLING In counselling short term words are used while doing counselling or narrating in meetings or monitoring, or while choosing or finding hotspot and what is the importance of this words most of the words in local language are full of hatred or insulting to the related persons related to … Read more


 TYPES OF COUNSELLING FOR STI/RTI & HIV/AIDS PREVENTIVE COUNSELLING PRE -TEST COUNSELLING POST -TEST COUNSELLING FOLLOW-UP COUNSELLING Now we will understand different level of counselling stage a counsellor perform at centres in a normal condition i would like to give information at clinics or at other working environment if an individual comes to us how … Read more


Basics of STI/RTI        What are signs and symptoms? 1.   Doctors examine and observed signs of RTI/STI 2.   STI/RTI signs are external and internal some may seen only after internal examination 3.   Complaints of symptoms are told by the patients to the doctor 4.   When the patients with no signs and symptoms of … Read more


  COUNSELLOR What is the importance of counsellors? Counsellors at STI/RTI Clinics play a vital role in strengthening the STI services provided by the clinic by: ·      Increasing the uptakes of STI/RTI services by the clients and follow-up of clients ·      Establishing referrals and networking for expanded STI and HIV care and support Role & Responsibilities … Read more


First of all we will discuss about what is counselling? Why an individual need counselling?Counselling is a two way process of communication that is on-going between one or more persons in which both actively participate by information, education, and psychosocial support that allows individuals to make decisions for preventive behaviours. Now we come to our topic … Read more

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