This Post will give information about HIV/SYPHILIS Testing, process and methods which are used in ICTC Centres in most of ictc centres are doing only one test HIV but in most of the centres RPR test for SYPHILIS is also done by single pricking methods.


                  Usually Testing is done in many centres where there is needed but mostly testing is done in Government Hospitals, Government Community Health Centres, Public Health Centres, Sub-Centres, Medical colleges and in Private Labs and Private Hospitals also. In most of this Centres there is only HIV Screening is done and In some centres Confirmation is also done.

Testing-HIV Test is done in Hospital like in Pre ANC check-up of pregnant women in which HIV/VDRL(syphilis),HBSAG, Haemoglobin, and Blood group Test is done this test are compulsory for pregnant women and before going for operational surgery HIV/VDRL(Syphilis),HBSAG Test  is done by the patient only after that operation will be carryout.

Why DR prescribes for HIV/Syphilis Testing for Pregnant women i think most of us assumes that they are doing their formality but we don’t understand the reason behind it this is because if the pregnant women early detected HIV than the child from HIV infected mother can be saved, early detected HIV will get ART treatment early and which leads the new-born will be saved by getting infected HIV.



                                                 HIV Screening is done through Rapid testing Kits they may be of any Coy which makes Kits for HIV Antibodies test like SD Bio line, Meriscreen, Aspen, etc the test is done through whole blood and by serum/plasma but inTRI-DOT and COMB-AIDS TEST KIT only the serum/plasma are used for testing asper the test kits guidelines and this test is done in laboratory where professional Lab technician are working. some test kits images which i have taken while the lab technician  was performing test and the result is also shown in the test kit is as under.

SD Bioline test kit for HIV1-2
SD Bioline test kit for HIV1-2

This test kits are used in small centres labs and in hospital also but for conforming the result of an individual than he/she has to go and visit ICTC centre for further confirmation whether he/she is positive or not because in other centres only one test is done for screening and in ICTC Centre the test is confirmed after three confirmation test the first is of rapid test kits, second is comb aids and the third one is through Tridot.

                                                                    in the first test HIV1 and HIV2 is identified and in second test only Pink small dot is identified and the third on Tridot in this also HIV1 and HIV2 is detected, all the three test are found positive only than the individual is declared that he/she is infected with HIV virus, and the Kits are kept in temperature according to its manufacturing guidelines and Quality is maintained and checked by the Quality  controlling officers of government Health departments.


                                         This Test kits is called DBS(DRIED BLOOD SPOT TEST) and it is called DNA PCR test which is used for infants/Neo-natal Children are tested for 18 months. and this test is done in research lab at higher level.


Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) set is a non-treponemal flocculation test (Serology Test kit) that is used for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of reagin antibodies in serum or plasma from persons with syphilis.


Treponema pallidum, the etiological agent of syphilis, produces at least two types of antibodies in human infections: treponemal antibodies that can be detected by Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption (FTA-ABS) test1 and non-treponemal antibody (reagin) that can be detected by RPR antigen card test. 2, RPR test is done in general lab or in ICTC.

The antigen used in the RPR kits are a modification of VDRL antigen, which contains micro-particulate charcoal to enhance the visual difference between a positive and negative result. If a specimen contains reagin, flocculation occurs with a coagulation of carbon particles contained in the antigen suspension, which appears as black clumps. Non-reactive specimens appear as an even light grey homogenous suspension.

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