In this topic we will discuss about the treatment of various symptoms of STI?RTI which an individual suffers in a day to day life and later it convert into a major problems. in this topic we will cover symptoms, cause ,its prevention, treatment, drug regime, its complications and about the partner treatment also and the use of colour coded KITS, and picture how Kits are in colour.
KIT NO-1 |
Used for the following syndromes
- Urethral discharge
- Ano-rectal discharge
- Cervical discharge(Cervicitis)
- Painful Scrotal Swelling
- Asymptomatic infection
- Oral and Anal STI
Male are mostly infected discharge is from private parts and it may be pus, pungent sticky juice coming, pain while passing urine and sexual intercourse, pain and swelling in scrotum, and in the case of cervicitis vaginal discharge which releases foul smell and has change in colour and quantity of discharge is scanty. and in oral and anal sti the individual may have symptoms of ulcers/sores/blisters/discharge/growth of oral/anal regions and caused due to Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Chanchroid, Granuloma, warts, and genital herpes.
As per medical terms this are caused by Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia and Trichomonas it is infected from person to persons by having vaginal, anal oral unsafe sex and the sexual partner who is infected with this infection may be symptomatic or asymptomatic.
Always use correct and consistent use of condom, and avoid sexual contact with the partner until the treatment is completed or the discharge is fully stopped and the most important this if the partner is pregnant it is very important to inform the doctor so that the treatment will help in preventing spread of infection to new born.
Includes the following medicines and dosage:- Azithromycin (1 gm)-single dose Cefixime(400 mg)-single dose
If not diagnosed and treated not early, complications such as epididmo-orchitis and urethral narrowing may occur in male and it leads to sterile i man and if a mother infected with Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia and during delivery the baby may get infected and it leads to baby, s eyes even leading to loss of eyesight.
Partner treatment is must if not than the infection will not completely be cured, in cervicitis it can be cured with single dose treatment with the same medicines and after seven days the client should return for follow-up.
Some medicines are not safe to take during pregnancy so the pregnancy status of the female clients female partner should be confirmed.
KIT NO-2 |
Used for the following syndrome:
usually this problem is seen in females and most of them comes with the problem of white discharge, itching and pain while passing urine or pain during having sex, partner may be asymptomatic or may have problem of itching in penis.
- The common symptoms of Vaginal Discharge Syndrome(Vaginitis) Vaginal Cervical discharge(VCD)/Vaginal Discharge(VD):-
Symptoms of Vaginal discharge are unusual quantity of vaginal discharge is itching around genital areas, bad odour and changes in colour of the discharge.
Most of the discharge is caused by the changes in the normal environment in the vagina, and unprotected unsafe sex, and sometimes the discharge are yeast infection by excessive antibiotics use, diabetics, or not maintaining personal hygiene of genital areas including menstrual hygiene.
To reduce the vaginal infection in future the client should avoid tight undergarments, scented soaps, douching and consistent use of condoms will help prevent recurrence.
VCD/VD can be cured by single dose treatment, patient with complaints of VCD/VD should go under internal examination by using speculum.
- DRUG REGIME:-SECNIDAZOLE(1 gm)-2 Tablets stat, FLUCONAZOLE(150 mg)-1 Tab-single dose.
In women who are pregnant due to vaginitis this may lead to early labor and delievary, for PARTNER Treatment promote to bring the partner also for partner treatment KIT-1 is given.
Take the medicine in front of the provider and not to take in an empty stomach, Counsellor should advice the patient not to take alcohol while taking this medicines.
FOLLOW UP:- Follow up is very important counsellor should advice the patient to visit after seven days.
KIT NO-3 |
Genital ulcers are of two types Herpetic and Non-Herpetic
and treatment is also different
Usually this kit is used in Genital Ulcers Disease(Non-Herpetic) and GUD may be seen in Male and Female on genitals/anal/ oral and lips, and to those patients who are syphilis positive
Ulcers may be single or multiple/painful or painless, there may also be swelling of lymph nodes on one or either groin, in simple words asymptomatic or symptomatic or syphilis reactive patient.
PREVENTION:- The client should avoid sexual contact with anyone until or unless the sores of ulcers should not completely healed.
TREATMENT:-For GUD(Non-Herpetic) includes the following medicines and dosage:-
GUD(non-herpetic) can be cured with a single dose of Inj. Benzathine penicillin (2.4 MU)-1 vial after AST(Sensitivity test)and single dose of Tab-Azithromycin (1 gm) under the supervision of clinical staff, check for drug allergy if allergy to drug than KIT-4{Doxycycline(100 mg)}+{Azythromycin (1 gm)} is given to the client and follow up after seven days is must in GUD Case.
DRUG REGIME:-Includes the following medicines and dosage-
1-Inj. Benzathine penicillin(2.4 MU)-1 vial intra muscular on divided on each buttock after AST of skin.{Disposable syringe (10 ml) with needle (21 gauge)-single+Sterile water (10 ml)-1 vial}
2-Tab. Azythromycin (1 gm)-single dose.
if allergic then use:-
Doxycycline (100 mg)-BID for 15 days.
Azythromycin (1 gm)-single dose.
If left untreated syphilis could damage the cardio-vascular and central nervous system and cause to death and chanchroid or cause to swollen lymph nodes(glands) in the groin and rapture and drain pus and in pregnant women Syphilis could be transmitted to the baby ,causing stillbirth or death of baby and this can be avoided if she is treated early in pregnancy and genital ulcers disease syndrome has five times more risk of getting HIV infection.
KIT NO-4 |
NOTE:-Genital ulcers are of two types Herpetic and Non-Herpetic and treatment is also different
Usually this kit is used in Genital Ulcers Disease(Non-Herpetic) and GUD may be seen in Male and Female on genitals/anal/ oral and lips.
COMMON SYMPTOMS:- Ulcers may be single or multiple/painful or painless, there may also be swelling of lymph nodes on one or either groin.
Includes the following medicines and dosage:-if allergic to injection penicillin.
Doxycycline (100 mg)-BID for 15 days.
Azythromycin (1 gm)-single dose.
REMEMBER:-Do not take medicine on empty stomach, counsellor should know the pregnant history and if the client is pregnant than not to give KIT-4 even if she is allergic to Benzathine penicillin injection.
KIT NO-5 |
This KIT-5 is used in Genital Ulcers Disease (Herpetic) and is of color code red,
Usually this kit is used in Genital Ulcers Disease(Herpetic) and GUD may be seen in Male and Female on genitals/anal/ oral and lips, there be vesicles/erosion and the may be painful ,swelling of lymph nodes and complain of recurrence of symptoms.
TRANSMISSION:- Genital ulcers can be infected through contact with sores on the vagina, penis, anus, rectum, mouth, lips and GUD(Herpes) can also be passed to others even if the sores are healed or not present, Herpes can be transmitted from the mouth to the genitals or genitals to the mouth during oral sex.
PREVENTION:-To reduce the chance of infecting sexual partner, should avoid sexual contact and to use condom consistently and correctly while having sex, herpes attacks while having stress so one should reduce stress.
TREATMENT:-The genital ulcers herpes disease syndrome can be treated and herpes sores heal on their own after 10-14 days but the virus stays in the body even if the sores are healed and medicines can shorten the time of healing and the client should return to the clinic after seven days.
DRUG REGIME:- Acyclovir (400 mg)-orally TID for seven days
KIT NO-6 |
KIT-6 in yellow colour is used in LAP(lower abdominal pain)syndrome or Pelvic inflammatory Disease(PID)
COMMON SYMPTOMS:- Patients usually have symptoms like pain in lower abdomen, and pain while having sexual intercourse, irregularities in menstrual cycle, sometimes discharge from vagina, backache, and constitutional symptoms such as fever, body aches, nausea and vomiting
TREATMENT:- PID/LAP can be treated if the medicines taken in the right way and complete treatment even if the symptoms go away and client should return to the clinic if she has problem with the medicines and symptoms not gone within 72 hours, avoid vaginal sex until the treatment is not completed of the clients self and her partner also, the client should return to the clinic for follow up on the 3rd,7th,and 14th day from the day of treatment,
DRUG REGIME:-Cefixime(400 mg)- single dose+Metronidazole (400 mg)-BID for 14 days Doxycycline(100 mg)-BID for 14 days
COMPLICATIONS:-PID can make difficult for the lady to become pregnant, make her infertile and increases the risk of Ectopic pregnancy(pregnancy outside the uterus)
Be Careful!
The counsellor should explore the recent incidents of intrauterine contraceptive devices(insertion) abortions etc. Since the risk of ectopic pregnancy( a life threatening condition) is increased in women who have PID, So the counsellor should tell the client that…..
1-If she feels of pregnancy or she is pregnant, she should report to a hospital at the earliest to rule out ectopic pregnancy.
KIT NO-7 |
KIT-7 is used for Inguinal Bubo its symptoms are painful swelling and it may rapture causing discharge leads to sinus formation, swelling in one or both groins and no signs of ulcers on genital and syndromes is called also known as Lympho Granuloma Venerum (LGV)
TREATMENT:- The counsellor should explained the risk of inguinal bubo and important to take medicines regularly and complete the treatment even if the symptoms go away and the client should return to the clinic if the client has problems with the medicines or symptoms do not go away, avoid sexual intercourse for twenty one days so that the infection should not pass to the others of partner follow up visit should be done 7th,14th and 21st day and the partner also be treated with the same medicine that is KIT-7.
Be careful:
During Pregnancy this medicine should not be given.