Generally infections means, an invasion of an organisms body tissues diseases causing agents, and the reaction of host tissues to the infectious agents and the toxins they produce. or we can understand in simple ways that the problems arouse to the individuals {i.e. He or She}on, in or around genital parts i.e. different types of symptomatic or asymptomatic infection by which an individual faces in his/her daily life.


STIs  are illnesses caused by microorganisms passed between individuals during sex. An STI can affect anyone who is exposed to it. Syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia are the most common bacterial infections. Trichomoniasis, a protozoan infection, is also diagnosed frequently in women (men who are affected almost never have symptoms).


What are the Symptoms of an STI?

Rashes on or near the genitals or elsewhere on the body, swollen lymph nodes, fevers, or discharge from the penis, vagina, or anus could all be signs of an STI. While many people who have STIs notice such symptoms, some STIs are asymptomatic and can only be identified by screening tests Other STIs, like Mycoplasma genitalium, may not cause symptoms and can be hard to diagnosed.

When should people get tested for STIs?

Many health professionals recommend having a routine screening Test for certain STIs if you have a high risk for infection. For example, you’re at high risk if you’re younger and sexually active, or if you’ve had more than one sexual partners. 

               If you think you might have symptoms of an STI or are concerned about recent sexual contacts, it’s best to be tested recommends routine screening in sexually active young women,(FSW) men who have sex with men,(MSM) and others at high risk for STIs, including anyone who has unsafe sex or shares needles or equipment used to inject drugs,(IDUs) including cottons and cookers.

FSWFemale Sex-workers (indulge in unsafe sex pracitise)i.e. without condom.

MSMMale having sex with Men.(indulge in unsafe sex pracitise) i.e. without condom.

IDUsIntravenous Drug Users. (Same needle or syringe sharing).

If you have unprotected sexual contact,

STI testing should be done:-

  • The throat (For unprotected oral sex)
  • The rectum (For unprotected anal sex)i.e without using Condom.
  • The penis or vagina (For unprotected penile or vaginal intercourse)i.e without using Condom.

Important notice:–That STIs can also be spread by fingers and sex toys.

How to Prevent yourself from Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)      

   There are many ways you can reduce your risk of getting an STI.
The best ways to prevent sexually transmitted infections are:

  • (1) Know your sexual partners :-

  •                                                                        Your partner’s sexual history is as important as your own. The more partners you or your partners have, the higher your risk of getting an STI. Talk openly about your sexual practices with your partners and health care providers.

  • (2) Use of condom:-

  •                                               Using a latex condom every time you have vaginal, oral, or anal sex decreases the chances of infection. Use barrier protection — like condoms and dental dams — when engaging in oral, anal, or vaginal sex.

  • (3) Avoid risky sex practices:-

  • Sexual acts that tear or break the skin carry a higher risk of STIs. Even small cuts that do not bleed let germs pass back and forth. Anal sex poses a high risk because tissues in the rectum tear easily. Body fluids also can carry STIs. Having any unprotected sexual contact with an infected person poses a high risk of getting an STI.
  •                                 If you do have an STI, make sure you get appropriate treatment. Additionally, consider using expedited partner Treatment, an approach where a person diagnosed with Syphilis, gonorrhea or chlamydia receives a prescription for antibiotics for their partner.(Partner Treatment)  In India and has been shown to prevent recurrent infections by decreasing the number of people who continue to have sex with an untreated partner.

STIs During pregnancy ?

                                                          Having an STI during pregnancy is very harmful for the fetus. Gonorrhea and chlamydia both can cause health problems in the infant ranging from eye infections to pneumonia. Syphilis may cause miscarriage or stillbirth. HIV infection can pass to a baby during a vaginal birth.

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